Ahimsa Living

Ahimsa Dairy

Some temples are aware of the suffering of cows in the dairy industry and limit their use of dairy to only “Ahimsa Dairy.” Ahimsa dairy is milk from cows that are raised by devotees of Krishna on ashram farms, called Gosalas, who care deeply for the cows, give them love and affection, and let them live their lives out in peace. There are usually no more than around 15 cows on these farms. While this is a laudable effort, there can still be issues with Ahimsa dairy since there are not clearly defined standard that is enforced. For example, for a dairy product to be truly non-violent, the issue of “consent” must be taken very seriously in all endeavors. An animal must never be forced to engage in activities with which they have not explicitly and clearly consented. It is important to consider if the cow is willingly giving milk, or if it is being taken without her consent. This issue of consent is especially critical when it comes to the breeding of cows. We must ask: when a cow is bred, was she forced by a bull (raped) or did she know and like the bull and consent to the coitus? 

Also, can those who receive the dairy product guarantee that the baby males are kept in protected, loving homes for their whole lives and not sold or given away to non-devotees who may not protect him for his whole life? We have found that some facilities that claim to be ahimsa have not taken the issue of consent or other issues into serious consideration. Therefore, if one is to follow the religious principles of non-violence and cow protection strictly, it is best to simply avoid the consumption of dairy products. 

Ahimsa Dairy Check List

If you are going to consume dairy from a Gosala, please go to the farm and ask each of the questions on this check list. 

  1. Is mother cow honored, respected, cherished, and loved? Does she have adequate ability to seek shelter from extreme weather, both heat and cold? Does she have nutritious and abundant food, water, and comprehensive medical care? 
  2. Is breeding achieved naturally with her consent and not forced or artificially derived? Does she know and like the bull and allow breeding to take place, or is she forced or raped? **
  3. Is the calf able to stay with his or her mother throughout weaning, taking all the nourishing milk she or he desires as nature intended? 
  4. Are the males protected throughout their lives, staying with cow protection/devotee guardians? 
  5. Is mother cow able to live out her life in peace, even after her milk giving has waned?

If the answers to any of these questions is no, the dairy is not true ahimsa dairy and should not be bought or used. If you cannot verify that the above requirements have been upheld, it is best to eat vegan. Please don’t support cow suffering by eating, drinking, or buying dairy if you are unsure that the guidelines above are not met. 

** Some may say that rape is a “natural” way animals breed, but if she is in our care and under our protection, we want to guard her from any form of anguish. We make sure that she is secure and safe and would not allow a natural predator to hunt and kill her, even though this too would be considered “natural.” We want no harm to come to our mother cow. With the same spirit of protection, we should not allow her to endure rape. 

To learn more:

Modern Dairy

Organic Dairy

To learn more about Hindu Dharma and Veganism:

Hindu Dharma

Krishna Consciousness

Srila Prabhupada on Cows