Cogen Bohanec, PhD, an Assistant Professor at Arihanta Institute, received his doctorate in Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion from the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California where his research emphasized comparative dharmic traditions and the philosophy of religion. His dissertation was on Process and Dialectic in Hindu Thought with an emphasis on systematic Hindu theology and ethics, and he has a variety of publications in Jain, Hindu, and Buddhist studies. Cogen also holds a Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies from the Institute of Buddhist Studies at the GTU where his research primarily involved the translations of Pāli Buddhist scriptures in conversation with the philology of the Hindu Upaniṣads. He is the editor of An Introduction to Jain Philosophy by Parveen Jain, PhD (DKPrintword, 2019). He is an adjunct professor in South Asian Culture and Religions and Sanskrit language at the GTU, teaches Asian humanities, world religions, and classical humanities at American River College in Sacramento, California; and is post-doctoral faculty member in Jain Studies for Arihanta Institute.

Kaishal Dalal is a CPA and has an accounting and finance background. He is now retired and living in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is passionate about activities for animal rights and compassion towards all living beings. He is vegan since 2009. In the past, he has served for many years at Jain Center of Northern California (JCNC) in the Executive Committee and the Board. Currently he is a member of the Board at Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary, and a member of JAINA Ahimsak Eco Vegan Committee, JCNC Board Finance Committee.
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